my dad

Created by tracy 8 years ago
my dad was a grat man to many of people meanly his family, we had not had an easy life with things going wrong my mum been hurt in a rta and having minor brain damage and prolems with depression, my dad was there helped her through everything, even to the point she no longer need the mental heath support , this was great news shed recovered enough for them to enjoy life again, so they went on there hoilday and when he come back told me all about it they had been sevral times before but htis time my dad said he wouldnt see christman or easter,,, he just saw easter and the stroy here is wed been and got the easter eggs for the grandchildren and he decied to eat them well talk about laugh. my dad had many regreats one been his brother and im sure they put things right as they spent time on the phone crying laughing so many emotions, my dad was poorly for a few weeks then they found the tumor this was march 21 2009 and he passed on april 14th 2009 short illness of him but he knew his time was here , told me about his angels waithing for him and he was happy to go with them, my mum and dad was married for fofrty years she misses him greatly we can learn to leave with out him but it will hurt us each and every day not been able to speck with him ,,, thats my dad ..